STS MP Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 2 (Soal dan Jawaban Sumatif Tengah Semester - STS)
Sumatif Tengah Semester (STS)
Nama Sekolah : ..............................
Muatan Pelajaran : Bahasa Inngris
Kelas : IV (empat)
Semester : 2 (dua)
Waktu : 90 menit
Hari,Tanggal : Jum'at, 10 Maret 2023
Nama : ..............................
I. Petunjuk Umum.
- Berdo’alah sebelum mengerjakan!
- Isi identitas kamu pada lembar soal menggunakan pena.
- Jagalah lembar soal agar tidak rusak, sobek, ataupun terlipat.
- Jumlah soal sebanyak 35 butir dengan 20 (dua puluh) pilihan ganda, 10 (sepuluh) isian dan 5 (Lima) uraian.
- Periksa dan bacalah setiap butir soal dengan seksama sebelum kamu menjawabnya.
- Laporkan kepada pengawas bila ada yang kurang jelas.
- Pilih jawaban yang kamu anggap paling benar.
- Periksa kembali pekerjaan kamu sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.
- Lembar soal tidak boleh dicoret-coret.
- Apabila ada jawaban yang dianggap salah pada soal pilihan ganda maka berilah tanda sama dengan (=), kemudian berilah tanda silang (X) pada jawaban lain yang kamu anggap benar.
- Apabila ada jawaban yang dianggap salah pada soal isian/uraian maka berilah tanda garis (---), kemudian tulis jawaban lain yang kamu anggap benar.
II. Petunjuk Khusus
A. Put a cross (X) on the letter A, B, C, or D as the correct answer.
1. Look at the picture of the clock below!
What time is it?A. It is one o’clockB. It is twelve o’clockC. It is five o’clockD. It is nine o’clock
What time is it?A. it's nine o'clockB. it's ten o'clockC. it is eleven o'clockD. it is twelve o'clock
A. At five o’clockB. At seven o’clockC. At nine o’clockD. At eleven o’clock
What time does Joshua go to school?A. a quarter past tenB. a quarter past eightC. a quarter past sevenD. a quarter past six
He plays football at....A. half past threeB. half past fourC. half past fiveD. half past six
He takes a bath at ….A. Six o’clockB. Seven o’clockC. half past fourD. half past five
He gets up at....A. a quarter to fourB. a quarter to fiveC. a quarter to sixD. a quarter to seven
9. Mr Budiman goes to his office at a quarter past seven.
A. 05.15B. 06.15C. 07.15D. 08.15
10. I arrives school a quarter to nine.
A. 06.45B. 07.45C. 08.45D. 09.45
11. Every morning, my mother always .... me up at 05.30.
A. WakesB. WakeC. StudyD. Studies
12. There are .... minutes in a hour
A. SixtyB. SeventyC. TwentyD. Fifteen
I go to the bathroom and ….A. Go to sleepB. Wake upC. Brush my teethD. Play
She .... at 04.30 in the afternoon.A. Water the flowersB. StudiesC. Plays a dollD. Gets up
My Father .... in the office.A. studyB. cookC. playD. works
B. Answer the question below!.
Pay close attention to the words below!
- study
- brush my teeth
- go to sleep
- wake up
- play
- have dinner
- go to school
- have breakfast
- read a book
- water the flowers
Based on the words above, complete the sentences below!
16. I .... at 04.30 in the morning.
17. I go to the bathroom and ....
18. I .... in the kitchen.
19. I .... by bus.
20. I .... kite in the field.
21. I .... at 3.00 in the afternoon.
22. I .... Math.
23. I .... at 6.30.
24. I .... in bed before sleeping.
25. I .... at 9.30.
27. What time does Joshua get up?....
28. What time is it?
29. What time is it?
30. Do you have breakfast at six o’clock?....
Sumber Materi .
Buku Siswa dan Guru Kelas IV Kurikulum Merdeka.
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